An evolutionary & developmental biology lab

Category: Lab news Page 3 of 5

The following posts list the most recent updates pertaining to our lab.

Gavin wins CBS Dean’s Mentorship Award

Gavin wins the 2014 Dean’s Mentorship Award from the College of Biological Sciences for his collaborative work with undergraduate and high school students.

Daniel receives GSA Victoria Finnerty award

Daniel receives the Victoria Finnerty undergraduate travel award from the Genetics Society of America to attend this year’s Drosophila Research Conference.  Press release is here. Interestingly, 2 out of 11 award recipients are from the UC Davis EVE department.

Press release about Joel’s ovipositor paper

Here   and   here

Daniel receives Stanford Graduate Fellowship

Daniel receives Stanford Graduate Fellowship – and is off to the Stanford University Ecology and Evolution graduate program next year.  We’ll miss him.

Meetings this quarter

This quarter, our lab meetings are Thursday 12-2 in Spieth Room.

Wine, Cheese, and Bullshit are Fridays 4-5, every other week starting October 4, also in Spieth.

Judy receives an NSF predoctoral fellowship

Judy’s proposal to work on the origin of the insect sexual differentiation pathway has been funded by the NSF.  Congratulations!!!  This will be a very exciting project.

Evo-Devo and Transgenic Technologies classes

This winter, I will be teaching two classes that may be of interest to the group.  The first is my regular Evolution of Animal Development class that I do every couple of years – see the “Classes” page.  The other is a new class that will cover transgenic technologies developed for model organisms including Drosophila, mammals, zebrafish, marine invertebrates, plants, fungi, and single-celled eukaryotes.  The emphasis will be on recent advances and on broadly applicable principles and tools that are successful across a wide range of eukaryotic taxa.  Class schedule will be by mutual agreement (Doodle) so sign up early.

Raul receives a presentation award

Raul has received the Presentation Award at the 2012 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Biomedical Students for his work on the evolution of ovipositor morphology in D. suzukii.  This is out of 1700 people who presented their research.  Congratulations!

Thad’s Dollo’s Law paper is on the cover of Genetics

Check it out:

Daniel believes this is the austral aura of a fly (or something to that effect)

7/27/12 WCB

Hey Everyone,

WCB will be held at 4:00PM-5:00PM Friday, July 27th.  The paper we will be discussing (Venken et al 2011) outlines the MIMIC lines a exciting new transgenic resource.  The link is below:

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