An evolutionary & developmental biology lab

Month: September 2012

Some new papers

A quick heads-up: Sarah and Thad’s paper on genomic resources for the D. ananassae subgroup, Joel’s paper on sex comb development in Lordiphosa, Angus’ paper on the yeast communities of different Drosophila species, and Thad’s paper on the genetic basis of Dollo’s law are all in press now.  See them on the Publications page.

ENCODE publications

NIH’s Encylopedia of DNA Elements (or ENCODE) project just published a blitz of papers in Nature. The project is an attempt to characterize all the non-coding elements of the human genome. There are six research articles and a slew of accompanying media. Perhaps fodder for the next WCB meeting?

ENCODE project publications

NIH’s Encylopedia of DNA Elements (or ENCODE) project just published a blitz of papers in Nature. The project is an attempt to characterize all the functional elements of the human genome. There are six research articles and a slew of accompanying media. Perhaps fodder for the next WCB meeting?

Recent student awards

The latest successes:

Raul has been selected as one of the eight students who will represent UC Davis at the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in San Jose, November 7-10, 2012.  Raul will talk about his work on the evolution of ovipositor morphology and its role in ecological innovation.

And Bill has received one of the GREAT Best Research Awards for his summer project on tissue-specific doublesex enhancers.

Well done, guys!

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