An evolutionary & developmental biology lab

Author: akopp Page 1 of 15

Lab mushroom trip – first outing since the pandemic!

Our social life took a hit during the pandemic, but we finally revived our annual mushroom-hunting trips to the Sonoma Coast.  It’s been dry so mushrooms were not as abundant as we hoped – but we got some yellowfeet, black trumpets, and bellybutton hedgehogs (Craterellus tubaeformis, C. cornucopioides, and Hydnum umbilicatum).

Giovanni receives the Outstanding Student Service Award

Congratulations – Giovanni has received the Outstanding Student Service Award from the Integrative Genetics and Genomics graduate group.

Gayane receives a PUF grant

Congratulations to Gayane, who has been awarded a Provost’s Undergraduate Fellowship for her work on the evolution of sex-specific gene regulation.

Nerisa is going to vet school

Nerisa is leaving our lab this summer to start a veterinary medicine program at Ohio State.  Congratulations!  We’ll miss her – but someone has to develop new cures for flies.

Table Mountain Trip

It seems that weather gods are conspiring against the lab’s ambition of snowshoeing. For the past three years, dry winters made a snowshoe trip impossible. This year, each attempt to schedule a weekend for the snowshoe trip was foiled by mountain storms. But we took advantage of the rainy winter and went to see its effects on Table Mountain, a nearby mesa with breathtaking wildflowers. Dinner and lawn games followed at Slide Hill in Davis!

New lab pets

We’re pleased to introduce the newest members of our lab.

Some cave roaches



And then there are Olga’s Madagascar millipedes! Check out these cuties:


7th annual lab mushroom hunting trip!

Yet another mushroom hunt, yet another success.  Conditions were challenging (i.e. – rain), and mushrooms were surprisingly thin on the ground.  But, with due enthusiasm and perseverance, we found enough mushrooms of a few different species to enjoy a nice dinner afterward.  The menu featured mushroom minestrone soup, shaggy parasol and honey mushroom risotto, sauteed winter chanterelles and hedgehog mushrooms, and candy-cap cookies.

Kevin is accepted to his top-choice graduate program

Great news – Kevin has been accepted to the Bioinformatics graduate program at the University of Michigan.  But we’ll still have the pleasure of his company for a few more months.

Logan Blair joins the lab

Logan Blair from the Integrative Genetics and Genomics graduate group has joined the lab.  He will be working on the origin and evolution of cis-regulatory sequences in Drosophila.

Giovanni Hanna joins the lab

Giovanni Hanna from the Integrative Genetics and Genomics graduate group has joined the lab.  His work will focus on the development and evolution of male (and perhaps also female) reproductive organs.

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